2012년 1월 29일 일요일

Final Thoughts and Reflections

As you have noticed, the blog was dedicated in provoking and giving the emotion that were the theme for each sections.
The five expressions we mainly focused on were:

(i) Happiness
(ii) Anger
(iii) Love
(iv) Fun
(v) Fear

The media artifacts that were described on each post were to serve as a catalyst to help you reach the related emotion quickly as you read the post.
I have purposefully ordered the blog posts in this way so you as reader can effectively carry out the emotion as you skip to the next post.

I believe that the blog will be successful in keeping you interested by discussing facts about the presented artifacts.
Also, the organized arrangement of the blog was able to let you easily find the post you wanted to read.

If the blog was arranged in unorganized fashion, I would not be able to provide you the benefits that are listed above.

As a final note, I really do hope that I was able to help you explore through world of emotions with interest.

Which emotion was your favorite section?

Fear - Revelation

The bible holds numerous important creeds and informations. Among all the books, I personally find the book of Revelation to be most important. Being a Christian, I read the Bible from cover to cover during high school. When I was reading the book of Revelation, I unconciously gave my full attention to the book. It was like reading a well written fantasy book.

The Book of Revelations informs the believers about the end times, what we should do to prepare ourselves for the moment, and the second coming of Jesus Christ. The book describes the sight of heaven and the fate of Earth. The book tells that followers will be saved while the non-believers go through unimaginable pain.

The book put a huge fear inside me by putting images from the passages inside me. Thinking of being constantly stung by scorpions and burnning alive while getting eaten by a dragon gave me shivers after reading the book. I was able to assure my self if I have a strong enough faith to be prepared for the unexpected event.

Are YOU Ready?

Fear - 2012

Imagine yourself walking to your dorm after finishing a long day at school. All of a sudden, you experience a huge shake beneath your feet. The ground starts breaking and all the buildings are collapsing. This is a scene that was shown in the movie 2012.

The year 2012 became a huge issue for a long time. It supposedly is the year where the world will meet its end. The conspiracy was proposed by prophecy of Nostradamus, a famous fortune teller who seemed to predict almost every single world's events and disasters, and the Mayan Calender.The calender was done by Mayan Civilization which is famous for having high technology compared to the year they lived in. The Mayan Calender shocked the archaeologists by having correct calcuation of dates almost equal to the calender we use today. People started to think that the world is going to end during 2012 because the accurate Mayan Calender stopped at 2012.

The movie, inspired by the concept of end of the world during 2012, presents what it would be like during the end times. According to the movie, the world is going to be flooded, leaving no existence on the face of the planet.

The movie fits into category Fear because it puts the audience in fear by showing the world's end. When I first saw the movie in the theatre, my imagination was making numerous possibilities of how the world will end. Each and every one of those imaginations were horrific. I don't know about you, but I sure hope that the world does not end during 2012.

Fear - Apollo 18


Did you know that we only see the front side of the moon? We never get to see the back side of the moon. There have been numerous controversy regarding the existence of aliens on the moon. Inspired by such assumptions, Hollywood decided to make a movie about the existence of aliens and the back side of the moon.

Officially, the last space craft that was sent to the moon was Apollo 17. However, the movie informs the audience about the secret launch of Apollo 18 to the moon. The objective of the secret launch was simple: finding what exists on the back side of the moon. The film shows the surprising discovery the austronauts make.

The movie falls into category Fear because the it suggests a possibility of alien existence on the moon. People have always been debating about the existence of UFOs and aliens and whether they are friendly or not. It became such a big issue, which eventually gave birth to study of UFOs in university degrees. I have heard numerous rumors about alien abduction and invasions. Whenever I heard such rumors, I gave no interest but ignorance and criticisms. However, after watching the film, I suddenly got the chills and became skeptical about the alien existence. What do you think?

Fear - Angels and Demons

Among all the religions around the world, Christianity seems to be involved in majority of religious conflicts. Angels and Demons, a sequel to a hit movie The Davinci Code, talks about a religious warfare that has been going on for more than 500 years. Starring Tom Hanks, the movie lets the audience to be in part of serious and secret warfare between two religious groups that lasted for a long time.

The movie discusses about a group called Illuminati (Enlightened) which is a secret group founded on 1776. Because the society went against the authority of the pope and his religion, Christians annihilated whoever was involved with the group. The movie develops as a descendent of the survivor from the massacre starts to get his revenge to high authorities of the Catholic church. It was up to Tom Hanks' character to figure out the murderer and the dark secret hidden behind the plot.

The movie describes Fear effectively because it shows how violent religious faith can be. The person who "punished" the high order of the Catholic Church performs and tortures the innocent people in an unimaginable ways. For example, the zealot stuffs a priest only with dirt and rocks to represent the soil of the earth. By watching the film I have learned that there are boundaries in believing a religion.

Fear - Phobia

There are certain things which cause people to shrug and look for places to hide. For example, I am scared of horror films. Whenever I see even a poster for the scary film, I cover my eyes before the image is printed in my memory. However, there are some people who gets extreme amount of fear, alsmost to a point of death. Those people have illness called Phobia.

Phobia is an anxiety disorder which is derived from the Greek word Phobos, fear. There are numerous types of phobia such as hydrophobia, agoraphobia, acrophobia, and aviophobia. People with phobias reach to a state of avoiding certain objects or even resisting to step outside of their house.

This psychological disorder fits into the Fear category because it makes people become paranoid in certain conditions. These people will know the true meaning of having fear above anyone else. Do you have a phobia?

Fear - Rodin's The Gates of Hell

Once in our life time, we all have debated whether after-life exists. Existence of Heaven and Hell has brought numerous discussions and conflicts between theists and atheists all around the world. If Heaven and Hell exists gates of hell would look like the carving shown above.

The Gates of Hell, masterpiece carved by Rodin, was created by numerous inspiration such as Revelation and Dante's Inferno. The bronze door has satisfied many imagination of structure of gates of hell. The structure contains several notable figures such as The Thinker, The Three Shades, and Fleeting Love.

The artifact falls into the category because it puts fear into people's mind by giving imagination of hell. I am a Christian. Therefore, I have always believed in the presence of hell. After I saw the door, I was able to effectively strenghten my faith and become a man living by God's name stronger than usual.

Fear - Picasso's Guernica

Known for his unique sytle of painting, Picasso has bought attention to art fans whenever he revealed his work. Using his talented skills, Pablo Picasso was able to produce a painting which perfectly portrayed a scene after a devastating bombing.

Picasso's Guernica, revealed in 1937, was drawn by the artist as a response to the bombing of Guernica by German and Italian bombardiers during the Spanish Civil War. The picture shows the tragic outcome of war and suffering inflicting on numerous innocent citizens. With its powerful message and its unique representation, the artwork became an anti-war symbol.

Only painted with colors grey, black, and white, the masterpiece fits the category Fear with no explanations needed. The drawing contains wounded animals, mourning women over their lost loved ones, and debris from destroyed objects. It put the fear of going through a war.

Fear - Munch's Scream

Ever imagined what your face looks like when you experience the strongest fear? Artist, Edgar Munch, has shown such face through his piece Scream. Due to its comical depiction of screaming, Scream has become an iconic drawing when representing a desperate or
fail" moments.

The photo perfectly fits into the category Fear because it perfectly shows one's emotion when experiencing fear. If I was watching a horror film, I would constantly make a face that is very similar to the drawing. With bloody red sky, the agonized figure's face puts fear into my heart as well. Seeing this drawing will leave anyone crying with fear even in happiest state.


Fear is one of our most frequently shown emotion that we express. We feel fear when we are about to be late for a class, when there is a pop quiz, when we see a horror movie, when you are about to do somthing which you have never done before, and other incidents that harms us physically or mentally. The list that is shown on the bottom are some artifacts that give you fear:

Drawing: Munch's Scream
Drawing: Picasso's Guernica
Carving: Rodin's The Gates of Hell
Illness: Phobia
Movie: Angels and Demons
Movie: Apollo 18
Movie: 2012
Bible: Revelations

The sources above are few of the artifacts that could plant fear in your heart. For example, Rodin's carving, The Gates of Hell, fulfills the imagination of what the gate of hell looks like. Other example, 2012, puts the audience into fear of the end of the world. Prove yourself strong and courageous by reading all the posts about fear!

Fun - No Beef - Afrojack and Steve Aoki ft. Miss Palmer

In my personal opinion, best way to truly have fun is to go to a huge club with ear-tearing bass. In those clubs, no matter what you do, as long as you have fun, people will not rebuke but join you. To have those fun though, you need a proper music. No Beef, produced by Afrojack and Steve Aoki, is one of the songs that are frequently played in the clubs.

With a repeating electronic chorus and rapid beats, No Beef became a song that is loved by many. The song definately fits the category because it lets you have fun by pulling out a playful side hidden in your shyness. With the song playing, you will soon notice your head nodding and body rapidly shaking with the rhythm unconciously. Although you will not feel the same excitement of clubbing, you will be able to have enough fun just by listening to the beats of the music.

2012년 1월 28일 토요일

Fun - Fast and Furious

During olympic season, Usain Bolt from Jamaica has shocked the world with his unimaginable speed. He placed all the records and won numerous medals. With his speed, Bolt was able to become a super star.

Being fast has always bought people's admiration. I had the same impression when I saw the cars in Fast and Furious movie. Fast and Furious movies are solely dedicated to party and cars. Seeing the races gave audience the thrill, fun, and excitements.

The movie falls into Category fun because it can give its audience the fun they need. As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, the speed of the cars recieved all the admiration from the viewers. With speedy, action-packed excitements and thrills, Fast and Furious can provide enough fun for the audience.

Fun - Elf

Along with Home Alone, there is a movie that I never miss to watch during Christmas holidays. Elf, starring Will Ferrell, brighten the holidays with his slap-stick comedies and funny actions. Every year, Elf has brought me laughters and taught me about holiday spirit.

The movie falls into Fun category because of the actings done by Will Ferrell. His jokes and elf-like actions brought fun when I am down. One scene which I particularly remember is one where he eats a "elf food". He mixes spaghetti noodles with smores Pop Tarts, M&Ms, maple syrup, and chocolate sprinkles. To humans, it would look like the most fattening and sweetest food. I was surprised by the eating habits that was shown in the movie. However, that scene only was able to make me hold my stomach with laughter.

Fun - Harry Potter

When I was a child, I would pick up a broom and imagine myself as a grand wizard defeating a dark magician or a black dragon. J.K. Rowling has fulfilled my dream by writing a grand fantasy masterpiece, Harry Potter. When I was reading her series, my brain would spark and take a journey alongside Harry Potter and defeat evil Lord Voldemort.

Harry Potter fits into fun because of my childhood memory. Reading and imagining the book was one of the ways I used to spend the day. I would pick up the book and not let go for at least five hours. Although, I do not get the same excitement as I did when I was young, Harry Potter still brings my precious childhood memories.

Fun - Boxing

I love boxing. It is my favorite sport. I was immediately obsessed with the sport after watching Mike Tyson's match. Being a boxer for 4 years was the best choice I made in my life. The thrill and the feeling you get after knocking someone out are somethings that I will never forget.

The sport fits into category Fun because both the performer and the audience can have fun with thrill and excitement. Personally, I had fun while training and fighting in the ring because they let me forget about the worries and stress I had for a short duration of time. Boxing was able to change me from being a passive and shy person into active and more out-going person.

If you are bored or have spare time, I would recommend the sport to you. It helps you to become mentally and physically stronger and lets you experience the thrill and make memories of a lifetime. Who knows? Maybe you will find a different person hiding inside you!

Fun - Las Vegas

Above is where all the world's craziest parties are held everyday. Featured in numerous movies, Las Vegas is American icon for fun and parties. Full of casinos, hotels, clubs, and tour sites, the city lets every one regardless of their age to have fun in numerous sorts of way.

The description and the picture above explain why the city is categorized in Fun. As seen in the photo, the city never goes dark because of the bright neon lights that are on 24/7. Anyone who visits the city, whatever they do, can say that they had a crazy night. Take a visit and make one of the best nights of your life!

Fun - Hangover

What is the craziest thing that you ever did in your life? A movie released in 2009, Hangover, tells a tale of a four men who remember what happened at crazy last night after having a hangover.

The story develops as 5 men leave to Las Vegas for a Bachelor Party. During the crazy night, the group loses one of the man. After remembering what they did over the night, the 4 men goes through trouble and eventually find the lost man on a top of a hotel they stayed in.

The movie falls into category Fun because it makes the audience laugh by letting them know what the 4 men did. The pranks and jokes will not be as funny if they were done by other group. The viewers of the movie can enjoy and relieve their stress by seeing dumb, but funny, pranks the group does.

Fun - Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock - LMFAO


There are some people who are just dedicated in having fun. I would say one of the best for such group is LMFAO. Composed of two members and a robot, the group has brought "shuffling" sensation all around the world. "Party Rock Anthem", as titled, is an anthem for people who just loves to party.The lyrics of the song represents having fun. With it, LMFAO has spread their way of what it means to have fun.

The dance which is also mentioned in the lyrics is called Shuffle. Shuffle dance is a move
which resembles moon walk that lets dancers to shake their body with the fast rhythm.

The song fits into category Fun because the dance and ther music itself gets into your body and control you to have fun. You cannot resist the rapid beat and the shuffle dance!



Fun, in my opinion, is the most powerful emotion which we can express. It an energizer which brightens the day. There are numerous ways to have fun. The list below are few of the things which I have most fun with/in:

Music: Party Rock Anthem
Movie: Hangover
Place: Las Vegas
Sport: Boxing
Movie: Harry Potter
Movie: Elf
Movie: Fast & Furious
Music: No Beef

The sources in the list above triggers my body to enjoy and have fun in any situations. For example, Party Rock Anthem controls my body to dance with its fast rhythm. Other example, boxing, lets me forget about the stress and lets me be who I am by facing challenges. I wish that you have fun as you read and listen to the posts!

Love - Wedding

Yes, it is that famous royal wedding photo. Although I still cannot understand why people stayed up late trying to watch the wedding live, I believe that the scale of the royal wedding truly showed the world how happy any wedding ceremonies are.

In my opinion, Wedding is a proof of showing un-dying love to one another. Being responsible for each other with care, share, love, and compassion, forever is evidence of true love and intimacy between the couple. Therefore, Wedding fits into category of Love because the ceremony is a symbol of everlasting care and support to each other.

Love - Heart

Since the category is Love, I thought it was almost a sin to not put a post about the above symbol.

There is not much explanation needed why the symbol fits the category Love. The origin of the sign is not vague. The shape is often filled with the color red symbolizing blood, passion, and strong emotion. The sign has represented the concept love for numerous decades. In my opinion, there is no other symbol that can hold the power of Love than the above shape.

Love - Crying Out Love in the Center of the World

When thinking of asian movies, the first impression that people think of is Kung-Fu action movies. Thanks to Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li, asian martial arts movies were able to become the best in the world for its genre. However, I would like to inform you about an asian romance movie which will blow your mind.

"Crying Out Love in the Center of the World" was the first movie which made me cry not because of the sad ending, but because of desperate effort that the couple makes during the movie. The movie tells a story about a boy who goes to Australia to fulfill the promise he made with his girl friend who passed away due to illness.

The movie fits into category Love because it holds a message that love lasts forever in one's memory even after a short encounter. My heart moved when the male fulfills his promise and reminisce his memory with the girl. It trully taught me a special lesson about love's power.

Love - Letters To Juliet

Letter is an extremely old version of sending a message to loved ones. However, it still serves as an effective tool when trying to show your sincereness. "Letters To Juliet" takes the audience to a romantic journey through messages from the letter.

The story develops as a young woman visits a small town in Italy which is supposedly a place where the play "Romeo & Juliet" uses as a setting. There, she writes a reply to an old letter she finds. The author of the letter, an old lady, visits Italy thinking that her love has written the reply. Then, she takes a journey to find her lost young love with the young woman.

In my opinion, Letters To Juliet perfectly fits into category Love, not because the movie's genre is romance, but because the movie shows that love has no boundaries. I was very surprised when the original writer decides to come to Italy just to find her lost love. That one scene alone had a huge impact by confirming my skeptical idea of love having no boundaries.

The movie fits into category Happiness as well. When the old lady finds her love, she makes a facial expression of huge satisfaction and joy. She probably does not wish for anything else, now that she has found her cherished memory and love.

Love - Lucky

When do you find yourself lucky? Personally, I feel lucky when there is no pop quiz on the day I forgot to read a reading assignment. However, Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat says differently. Their song "Lucky" is a song about how thankful and lucky it is to fall in love with their best friend.

The song fits love because of the lyrics.

Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooh ooh ooh

They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

Above is only the first half of the lyrics. In my opinion, the very last line is perfect in describing a concept of everlasting love. Also, I think their metaphor of "coming home again" is excellent in describing the relief they have by falling in love with their best friends. Are you luckier than them?

Love - Titanic


Before you read this post, come up with 5 movies that, in your opinion, best portrays love. Then compare them with Titanic. Can your list beat the depiction of love shown in Titanic? Starring Leonardo DiCapiro and Kate Winslet, Titanic shows what the phrase, "NOTHING ON EARTH COULD COME BETWEEN THEM" truly means.

Titanic develops as archaeologists found the sank ship. They find a drawing of a beautiful woman. When the news was released with the picture of a drawing, an old woman calls and says that the woman in the picture is herself. When she comes to the site, the old lady starts to tell her love story on Titanic.

This movie fits perfectly into category Love with no doubt.

Above is Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On", the OST of the movie. The beautiful song sang with angel-like voice of Celine Dion easily soothes a stressed mind. Today, the song alone stands as an icon of love. Before you leave this page, I would like for you to think about the below lyrics from the song.

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone

Love - The Beatles - All My Loving

How much would you give for people you love? Can you beat Beatles' offer or providing all of what they have? On 1963, Beatles released the song, "All My Loving", and shook the world.

Written by Paul McCartney, the lyrics hold a sweet message swearing to send all their loving to one girl. Even though protagonist from the lyrics is going away, he promises that only his girl will stay in his heart.

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,
Tomorrow I'll miss you;
Remember I'll always be true.
And then while I'm away,
I'll write home ev'ry day,
And I'll send all my loving to you.

I'll pretend That I'm kissing
the lips I am missing
And hope that my dreams will come true.
And then while I'm away,
I'll write home ev'ry day,
And I'll send all my loving to you.

All my loving I will send to you.
All my loving, darling I'll be true.

With no explanation needed, the song perfectly fits the word Love. When you love someone, your main priority becomes the person you are in love with. The lyrics of the song correctly describes the feelings and the goal that the man will have toward his love.

The song could also be included in the category Happiness.
It is hard for a man to confess such feelings to others. The female listening to this song would be hooked to the person singing the song because of the dedication shown from the man.


Love is the most sacred emotions of all. There is no explanation needed why love is important to us. Love is showing care and support to ones they dearly admire. It is hard to describe such feeling in words. To fully understand the meaning of love, I have picked several sources to indulge yourself into the warm emotion.

Song: All My Loving
Movie: Titanic
Song: Lucky
Movie: Letter to Juliet
Movie: What Happens in Vegas
Movie: Crying Out Love in the Center of the World
Photo: Wedding

The list which is full of sources related to love is mostly composed of movies becuase they show human feelings effectively through actors. All My Loving, a hit song by the Beatles, expresses a man's feeling of never wanting to lose the girl. Wedding photos gives plenty sense of love because wedding is a symbol of showing one's love to another.

Through the readings, I wish that the readers are indulged by love.

Anger - Rebecca Black's Friday

What day is your favorite day of the week? Rebecca Black has proved herself that her favorite day is Friday by releasing a song called "Friday". Having the word "Friday" 27 times in this short song, she has created a song which was quite famous for its poor design and structure.

This song brought anger to me for couple of reasons. First of all, I was mad toward Rebecca Black for making such terrbile song. The music was a mess with dumb lyrics. Secondly, I was angry toward the audience to the music. It seemed that the comments on the video seemed to discourage Rebecca Black instead of showing at least minimum encouragement.

Anger - 6.25 Incident

June 25th may be just a regular day. It may be someone's birthday or just another regular summer day during the long break. However, for South and North Koreans, June 25th is one of the most tragic days of the year.

It was year 1950, where the Soviet Union and the United States of America were at the top of the world. Soviets were spreading their power with Communism and the United States with Democracy. Being near to Soviet Union, North Korea was heavily impacted by communism. Concerned, the United States sent troops to stop the spreading of communism. On June 25th of 1950, North Korea invaded South Korea to spread the communist government. The war lasted until a truce treaty was signed.

As a Korean, 6.25 invasion brings torment and anger to my heart. First, I was angry to the fact that we were fighting against each other. As a country, it is obvious that we are to work together in order to become a stronger nation. However, we brought tragedy on our own hands. Second, I was angry because we were victims of the war between two of the strongest nations in the world. I felt that we were just used as puppets to see who would win between Democracy and Communism.

The invasion also fits the category Fear. Truce does not mean that the war is over. It simply indicates that the war has stopped for a certain amount of time. Basically, the treaty is a ticking time bomb. Koreans, including myself, always live in fear of reoccurence of war.
As a fellow Korean, I surely hope that the two divided nations can resolve and come to a peaceful resolution after the long truce.

Anger - Hotel Rwanda

We all have difference. The diversity of the world would be nothing if the people are all the same. There are some people, however, who cannot accept the difference. Hotel Rwanda is a phenomenal example for such cases.

The movie is based on true story which happened on 1994 where approximately one million innocent citizens died because of a genocide during the Rwandan Civil War. During those troubled time, Paul Rusesabagina, managed to save over a thousand refugees using his hotel and social skills.

Hotel Rwanda has brought sadness and anger to numorous audience's heart. Personally, I was angry after watching the film by witnessing the cruelty and loss of genocide. A scene where Paul's car is driving over the dead bodies shocked me because such sight was impossible for me to imagine.

The movie, in my opinion, can also fall into category Fear. When I was watching the movie, I constantly kept thinking the possiblities of recurrence of genocide. Such act is immoral and shameful. I was frightened by thinking re-emergence of a genocide such as Hotel Rwanda and the Hologcaust.

Anger - Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Since the blog is about my favorite sport, I decided to put my angry emotions into this post as well. I love boxing. I boxed for 4 years myself. There is no Mike Tyson's match that I have missed. Every match I watch, I try to respect all players whether they are loser or winner. However, there is one boxer that I despise: Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Most boxers are well-mannered and accept the result of the fight. However, Floyd Mayweather Jr. is different. Extremely talented, he is very cocky. Also, his only goal in a match is too win. He does not show respect to other players.

For example, during a match with Ortiz, there was a incident where Ortiz accidently head butted Mayweather Jr. which is illegal. When Ortiz went to apologize, Mayweather Jr. punched him directly in the face and knocked Ortiz out.

Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s actions make me angry. In a sport which requires respect between both players, being a cocky player who lacks respect is not a good attitude before preparing for a fight. I realy do hope he loses his upcoming match on May.

Anger - Japan Tsunami - Crazy Girl Thanks God For Attack on Japan

In 2011, one of the most tragic natural incident happened. Japan was struck by massive tsunami. Numerous innocent lives were lost by the disaster. When everyone were mourning and sending relief supplies to Japan, weird woman posted a video on Youtube.com saying how happy she is about the loss. There are countless types of people in the world. However, I would say that these types of people are the worst you could ever find.

The summary of her video blog is that she was praying for God to touch aethists' heart. Then, not a long time after her prayer, Japan was struck by the tsunami. She was praising God for such incident.

This video is cagorized in emotion Anger because the video is extremely absurd. If I know correctly, the God from the Bible is not punishing but loving. There is no way that such God answered the girl's prayer to "destroy Japan".

Anger - Vulture Stalking a Child

Above photo is an iconic photo which represents the harsh environment starving children face in Africa. The photo was taken by photographer Kevin Carter at Ayod, Sudan in March 1993. This photograph was most effective in showing the despair in Africa which eventually won Pulitzer Prize.

This photo, with no explanation needed, falls into category of Anger. According to the photo, audience can find that the child is malnutritioned and is in a lethal state. I was angry to the fact that we as people who constantly claim sharing and showing care to one another, failed drastically.

Also, I was angry because of the photographer's action. If I was a photographer, I would put saving the child as a head priority. Although resulting in creating a iconic masterpiece, I think the photographer made an immoral choice.

The photograph also falls into category Fear. The photo only shows one child in a devastating situation. However, there will be countless amount of kids who are in same or even worse situation. When I watched the photograph, I was scared and sorry for the kids who will not be getting enough help to survive.

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Anger - Taken

In our lives, there is one point where we strived for having revenge on someone who you despised. Ex-secret agent shows us how to show brutal retribution in professional way. Starring famous actor Liam Neeson, Taken is an action/thriller which shows true meaning of fatherly love and informs the audience to never mess with an ex-secret agent.

The story develops when the protagonist's daughter goes off to a music tour to Europe. Later, the daughter is kidnapped by group of trafficers and Neeson's character swears revenge to the group who did such immoral action. Eventually, after all the gory action, ex-agent rescues his daughter and safely bring her back home.

Taken definately falls into the category Anger because of the content shown in the film. The movie realistically portrays sad reality of human trafficing. There are scenes where I was extremely disgusted to a point where I wanted to pause the video. I was enraged that by the end of the movie, where the villian died in a gruesome way, I was happy that he got such punishment.

The movie falls into category Love because it shows the most extreme case of fatherly love. Liam Neeson's character risks his life to save his daughter without knowing what will become of him. To me, this si the true demonstration of family care and love.


Anger, in my opinion, is an emotion which holds the most ugliest facial expression. Also, showing such feelings is one of the most effective ways to destroy one's day the most. There are no cases where expressing anger has resulted in peaceful resolution. Truly, it is the last emotion you ever want to show. I believe that the following sources are most effective in provoking audience's anger:

Movie: Taken
Photo: Vulture Stalking a Child
Video: Crazy Girl Thanks God for Sending Tsunami to Japan
Celebrity: Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Movie: Hotel Rwanda
Event: 6/25 Incident
Song: Friday
Event: Bombing of S.Korea from N.Korea

The above list, in my opinion, lets audience to fully indulge their heart with anger and hatred. For example, the movie Taken enrages viewers by showing an innocent girl getting kidnapped and get involved with human trafficing. Other source, Hotel Rwanda provokes the audience's anger by showing a massive genocide of a group because of small differences from one another.

While reading the descriptions and reflections about the sources, I wish that you can also experience the same anger which I shall express.

Happiness - Blind Side

When I first came to America, I was shocked by watching a NFL football game. Such war-like sport was a new concept to me. I was even more shocked when I heard about the stardom life of each players in the league. It was so extraordinary to a point where I thought the players never went through hard conflicts. Movie, "The Blind Side" has changed my misunderstanding.

The Blind Side, starring Sandra Bullock, is a film that is based on true story of Michael Oher and All American football player and first round NFL draft pick. Compared to his current state, he went through tough past such as being homeless, abandoned by his own mother, and solitude. His agonizing past stopped when a caring woman, Leigh Anne Tuohy, found Oher on the streets and took him to her house. The movie informs audience about the value of family love by showing Tuohy's unconditional care and love to the lost black man.

The movie fits into category Happiness because viewers can experience happiness through watching Oher's transformation and his eventual success. In the beginning of the movie, Oher is seen as a big blunt man who refuses to talk to and recieve help from others. Through Tuohy's dedication, Oher was able to excel in football, find interest in studying, and become optimistic. Through the film's process, audience can feel the warmth growing inside their heart and become happy with Oher as well.

The movie also falls into category Love because of similar reason written on Home Alone. The movie shows the true value of family bonding. Such care, love, and dedication from all the family members were able to change Oher's personality and brighten his future.

Other than Love, the movie also relates to emotion Fear. In the film, viewers learn that Oher was abandoned by his mother due to her addiction to illegal substances. This part provoked my anger because I was shocked by the irresponsibility shown by Oher's parents. It was depressing to know that such incidents can really happen.

Happiness - Slumdog Millionaire

Where is the worst environment you camped or lived in? Whatever horrid place you describe, you would not be able to beat the environment that is shown in the movie, Slumdog Millionaire. The movie is a miraculous tale of an Indian boy who gets success and love after going through hardships. Set in the harsh Indian slum area, the movie portrays sad, yet exciting, life of two young boys trying to escape their miserable reality.

The movie is definately included in the category Happiness because of the finale. Throughout the movie, viewers only get to witness the sad truth in India such as slum environment, unfair KAST system, frustration, struggle, and losing hopes. However, when the protagonist is with his love and reach success, true happiness is shown in his weary face. Audience can also share their relief and happiness by looking at the sight.

In my opinion, Slumdog Millionaire can be related to all the categories except Fun. First, the movie is related to emotion Anger because it arouses the audience' emotion by having two innocent kids in a harsh environment. They get to indirectly experience the struggle the Indian children go through. Second, the film is related to Love because of the romance between the protagonist and his love. To me, the desperate efforts from both characters to find each other in the busy and drastic environment seemed like the most romantic approach compared to other movies. Lastly, Slumdog Millionaire is related to emotion Fear because of the un-predictable future. It seemed to me that whatever the characters did to improve their environment, they face another and bigger obstacle. If I was one of the characters, I would become paranoid because of the scared reality.

Happiness - Nella Fantasia

There are numerous voices in the world. They are used to express, share, and sometimes insult to one another. Sarah Brightman's voice is extremely unique in my opinion because it can bring comfort that could fill the emptiness of one's heart during depression. Composed by Ennio Morricone, lyrics written by Chiara Rerrau, and sang by Sarah Brightman, Listners cannot help but take a journey to a world full of peace and honesty.

The song can be categorized to Happiness for the two main following reasons. First reason can be found from the meaning of the lyric. When translated, one can truly see the vision and hope hiding in the lyrics.

In my imagination I see a fair world,
Everyone lives in peace and in honesty there.
I dream of souls that are always free,
Like the clouds that fly,
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul.

Above translation were just the first part of the lyrics. However, only throught the first sentences, readers can feel the lyricist's longing for fairness, peace, honesty, and respect.

Second reason can be found in the peaceful tone of the music. Nella Fantasia is famous for its calm and soothing voice of Sarah Brightman. In my opinion, her voice is one of the most notable ones because its strong and sweet at the same time. Listening to such vocal calms my mind and lets myself escape from the stressful world for a brief moment.

Happiness - Tom & Jerry

Cats and mice pairs are famous for their un-ending rivalry. No one knows who started the on-going conflict, but it gave birth to one of our beloved cartoons of all time: Tom & Jerry. There is no other skit, cartoon, or movie that best describe the inevitable feud between the two animals than the series. Although there are no words in the animation, continuous action keeps the audience interested with laughter.

Tom & Jerry represent happiness because they provide joy to their audience. When I was in middle school, a tv channel played numerous re-runs of this famous series. I was obsessed with the program where later, it became a must-to-do thing to catch every single episode. The show was able to make me happy after stressful day at school. Like it did for me, the show brought laughter to almost every house in America in the past.

The show can be categorized in
activities Tom and Jerry does. They disguise, plan, create devices, and use their environment to put funny jokes on each other. Every move they make, audience can enjoy the hilarious actions from the animals.

Happiness - Home Series

Christmas comes every year. However, Christmas does not come alone. Every year, Kevin Mcallister makes a visit to our TV with two burglers. Starring Macaulay Culkin, Home Alone has brought laughter and family bonding to families all around the world. Brilliant kid punishing two burglars with traps around the house has got me holding my stomach, dying with laugter, continuously.

The movie falls to category Happiness because the movie shows the true meaning of family love. Joy can be shown from numerous sources. One of the ways which show joy is comfort. There is not a better provider of comfort than family bonding. Therefore family love is definately one of the components which provides happiness.

As mentioned on the earlier context, Home Alone can be included in the category love. There is not a better type of love than love from parents and relatives. It will always be there whether you are sad, broke, or lost in your journey.

Whenever you are down, get some laughter from Home Alone, and remind yourself how much your family loves and cares for you.

Happiness - What a Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong, one of the most loved jazz singer in history, has done a huge favor to the world. He has truly reminded us how wonderful the world is. Having a father who is obsessed with jazz music, I have heard this song numerous times ever since I was young. With a distinguishing voice and his own style of singing, Louis Armstrong has touched numerous hearts including mine.

With no explanations needed, the song perfectly fits the emotion Happiness. The song lets us imagine the most beautiful sight we can imagine.

I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom, for me and for you
and I think to myself, WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD

I see skies of blue, clouds of white
Bright blessed days, dark sacred nights
and I think to myself, WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD

The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky
are also on the faces of people going by,
I see friends shaking hands, saying "how do you do"
They're really sayin, "I love you".

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow
They'll learn much more, than I'll never know,
and I think to myself, WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD

The lyrics are mixture of hope, joy, beauty, and love. The constant smile on Louis Armstrong's face brings relief and joy to the listeners. It even provides mental comfort to those who hear and read the lyrics. Who would not be happy after imagining such sight?

The song can be related to other category, Love. The chorus of the song is a confession of love to others. It shows care and support for those who feel neglected and lost.

Listening to such sweet lyrics, you cannot help but say,


Happiness - O Happy Day

Above video is from a famous movie Sister Act 2 starring Whoopi Goldberg as a nun who forms a student choir. The song is popular mainly for the popularity of the music. To me, the song is popular for different reason. When I first watched this movie as a child, I was masmerized by the voice and the lyrics of the music. Having the phrase, "O Happy Day" 21 times in a short three minute song, it truly lets the audience feel how happy the day is. The bright tone of the music and joyful lyrics, listeners can be happy. The smiles shown in faces of the singers also let the viewers smile as well.

This song may be related to the latter category of fun. When I listen to the music, I have the sudden rush to clap and dance along with the choir. The rapid rhytem and the ear-pleasuring flow of music controls my body to start moving. "Lets party!", a phrase said by Whoopi Goldberg also gives a sense of having fun. The choir did have fun and gave the audience from the movie to enjoy and feel joyful flow with the chorus.


Happiness, in author's opinion, is an expression which the face looks the most comfortable to make. Also, it is a feeling which affects one's day the most. With positive attitude and a wide smile, even the most depressed people can be changed. Of the numerous sources, I believe that the following are ones which show and make the readers smile. They are:

Song: O Happy Day
Song: What a Wonderful World
Movie: Home Alone
Cartoon: Tom & Jerry Series
Song: Nella Fantasia
Movie: Slumdog Millionaire
Movie: Blind Side
Movie: Toy Story 3

The above listings lets the audience feel happy by giving hope, success, and joy.
For example, the song O happy Day makes the listener feel happy by the hopeful messages and bright rhythem. Other example, Tom & Jerry Series gives joy to the viewers with playful action between can and mouse.

Through reading and listening to the posts, I wish that your day may be full of joy and elations!

Enjoy and be happy!

Welcome to Commonplace of Feelings!

Above are the famous 6 Universal Human Expressions.
Human beings are nothing without expressing themselves.
This blog which you are about to explore, is full of materials which relate to and express 5 main feelings we have.

These feelings are:
(i) Happiness
(ii) Anger
(iii) Love
(iv) Fun
(v) Fear

By reading the posts, you will be enriched and share the feelings which are shown.
Personally, I feel those emotions through media. Music, movies, photos, celebrities, bible, sports, and even in school courses.
Through reading the descriptions and the relationship with the expressions, I hope you, readers, can be compassionate.
To assist you with navigating through numerous posts, different fonts will be used to represent the feelings.

(i) Happiness: Trebuche
(ii) Anger: Courier
(iii) Love: Georgia
(iv) Fun: Verdana
(v) Fear: Lucida Grande

Enjoy and Share!